E#61: What was 2020 all about?
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E54 Strangers Trust
E53 Family Focus
52Last Episode
51 Matter
50 Covid Anxiety
49 AloneTime
48 Hate Together
46 Crazy
45 Laughter
44:Step UP
43 Worry/Energy Contagion
E40: Gain from COVID
E39: Coronavirus
E38: Smartphone
E37 Childhood and ID
35 Sex Talk
PD34 Valentine's Day
PD33 4 Factors Influencing Identity
E55 Needs1
E58 Needs4
E59 Yet
E61 Year in Review
PD31: Disgusting Self Identity
PD30 Goals/Tasks/Being
E28 Time Year End
PD29 What will you get this year?
E20 Boredom/Creativity
E22 Storytelling
E18-Turn the Table-advice
E17 Golf
E16 1% Change
E13 GrowthFriends
E12: Love Languages
E10 Morning Routines
E9: Part3 Conclusion
E8: Part2:Uncovering Issues with Questions
E7: Part 1-Intro
E6: Metaphors
E4: Triggers
E3 The 4 Core
E2: Presence
E1: Introverted Doctor
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